Monday, September 20, 2010

Candy blues.....

There are a few constants in life now that I had in childhood. They already took one away years ago when they changed the packaging on KitKat bars, getting rid of the foil that allowed me to save some for later.
I thought for sure after that, they would never do this again.....that is until I bought a pack of M&Ms for the first time in a while. Gone was the easy to tear packaging that had a feel that you would know even in the is a finicky plastic that is hard to open. If they wanted to go plastic couldn't they go the easy to open plastic?
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

The truth of life

I have come to expect that nothing you truly want ever comes to you easily. Even when you work your hardest at something you will inevitably be passed over for someone else that sucked up a bit harder or has family connections or flashes the right amount of cleavage.
Fitting in is never easy, marching to the beat of your own drum is over rated, especially when you are missing one of the drum sticks.

Ups and downs are nothing new. Take this for instance, I lose my office mate who smells good and get a guy who thinks flatulance are a turn and does he listen to me because I know better? No, he is a man therefore knows more than I do. That in itself irritates me.

The guy I finally get the courage to ask out turns me down, a long string of rejections based on idiotic excuses. Is being 'too odd' actually a valid excuse?

The worst cycle of my life complicated by a bladder infection from not drinking enough water because we apparently employ a camel that drinks five gallons or more a day and exhausts our supply of water in the coolers....I hope he eventually over hydrates and explodes forcing us to go home for the day.

I am trying not to let all of this get me down. I can count the number of friends I have that know me and love me unconditionally on one hand and two of them live thousands of miles away. I love them all and I am grateful for them. Through good times and bad I know they will always be there and I know when I am a blubbering mess when my little girl goes off to college in a few years they will be there to make sure I do not drink alone.

Those people are the bright side to this unfair world. We worked hard to find and keep eachother, and even when we drifted apart for years we were never far from each others thoughts. I only hope my daughter is lucky enough to find friends like these to help her through her times when I cannot be there.

This took a turn for the somber that I did not expect when I started writing. Let's end on a high note, I have my friends, I have my family (well the ones I care about anyway) I have a job and a roof over my head.....I would say I have my health but I am planning a new tattoo to say 'Box May Contain Broken Parts' :)

Podcast Suggestion for the Day: Chicken Pop Pod - It is a pop culture podcast that makes lot of 80's references

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waiting Rooms

I have spent a lot of time in waiting rooms. Today is the oddest however. Not only am I being woo'd by the *wonderful* song of soft rock and pop long past it's time they have the discovery channel on this a children's waiting room. Ordinarily would not bat an eye, but today they are covering the occult and i heard the term 'sex magic' I am wondering if this is just a way to make sure the parents have an even more akward conversation with their children as they drive them back to school.

Clearly this is a conspiracy I need to look into. Maybe Art Bell covered this topic at some point.....
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Waiting Rooms

I have spent a lot of time in waiting rooms. Today is the oddest however. Not only am I being woo'd by the *wonderful* song of soft rock and pop long past it's time they have the discovery channel on this a children's waiting room. Ordinarily would not bat an eye, but today they are covering the occult and i heard the term 'sex magic' I am wondering if this is just a way to make sure the parents have an even more akward conversation with their children as they drive them back to school.

Clearly this is a onspiracy I need to look into. Maybe Art Bell covered this topic at some point.....
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I love Halloween. the dressing up and the candy, and the decorating. I have the cutest Grim Reaper and he needs a kitty, an adorable kitty that is taller than I am.
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Movie - Bubba Ho-Tep

Based on the Bram Stoker Award nominee short story by cult author Joe R. Lansdale, Bubba Ho-tep tells the "true" story of what really did become of Elvis Presley. We find Elvis (Bruce Campbell) as an elderly resident in an East Texas rest home, who switched identities with an Elvis impersonator years before his "death", then missed his chance to switch back. Elvis teams up with Jack (Ossie Davis), a fellow nursing home resident who thinks that he is actually President John F. Kennedy, and the two valiant old codgers sally forth to battle an evil Egyptian entity who has chosen their long-term care facility as his happy hunting grounds. Written by Eric Shovand

So that is the synopsis for Bubbo Ho-Tep, now when I first watched this movie years ago, I was
not aware what I was getting into. Now that I have gone into this movie again going into it with the proper mindset I can truly say I enjoyed it.
Truth be told anything with Bruce Campbell is a good thing to enjoy...even when he is playing old Elvis in a retirement home.

It is a little slow on the uptake but stick with it and you are almost guaranteed a good payoff if you are not put of by crude humor like below:

"It'd been two presidential elections since I'd had a boner like that."

Like I said, Bruce makes even the crudest lines good.

Well would you look at that....after a mini break three posts in one day. Tomorrow my girl is getting fit for her braces and then Friday she is getting a tooth pulled before her braces get put nerves are shot and I am sure I will have plenty to say on this later.

Determined to Read

So I am an avid reader....most of the time. I however seem to have a stack of books that I have yet to read. So yeah, when I am not distracted by catching up on my TV shows and movies I am reading...sometimes to the detriment of my sleep.

Podcast Suggestion - Brain Stuff from How Stuff Works it is a few minutes a day of interesting information for your brain.

And the book I am determined to finish reading this week is Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Lastly as I write this, currently catching up on Better Off Ted.....Such a shame it got canceled...that makes me sad.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tacky nature of the next generation

e-vites. Everyone has sent them. A movie night, an informal get together. What is not acceptable is a wedding invite.
That's right. My ex almost fiance's current one sent me a Facebook e-vite....
I worry about this younger generation
Am I wrong too? Am I too settled in old fashion ways?
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Every Day is a Gift

A crappy no refunds kind of gift that is not even fit to re-gift during crappy re-gifting parties. Then again this could be the product of it raining and me not being able to walk out my frustrations of the day.

Podcast suggestion of the day: Bleep Bloop: The Video Game Talkshow
This come to you from the minds of College Humor

Saturday, August 14, 2010

TV show idol

Everyone has one, sometimes more than one. A fictional character that they relate to be it books or tv.
To most of my generation it seems that Sex and the City is still the comparison, while given those four I would be a Carrie I found another character I look up to Mary from In Plain Sight.
Snarky, sarcastic and witty Mary. I wanna be like her when I grow up....oh wait I am halfway there.
Now if only I could find Marshall.....

So if it is not apparent I am watching the series in one big marathon right now, if I come out more snarky than have been warned.

One day I should be so lucky to be as honestly snippy as I want to be, while somehow remain charming and find a guy to put up with it all. A girl can dream. Until them I am watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid with my favorite girl.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Zombie Planning

So if you are like me you have often thought about what you would do in the event of a zombie uprising or any general degeneration of society. What do they always suggest? Plant a garden for personal use. Well when you are running from people trying to steal your resources what do you do to get your fresh fruits and veggies? The Topsy Turvy! You can keep your plants alive on the go when running from the masses all why indulging in non canned fruits and veggies.

Podcast Suggestion for today is a video podcast: The Best of You Tube
Great way to waste time for a few minutes a day

Monday, July 19, 2010

School Time and The Sims

So it is time to do school supply shopping for my girl and I was looking at her list and she needed a Flash Drive...Seriously? Why does a 4th grader need one? Are there complicated research projects in her future?

Okay so I have been a Sims addicts since 1999 and I will not apologize for it. Recently I got the World Adventures expansion and on a trip to Egypt my Sim apparently got married and had a kid with no notification....It was odd to log in to see this to say the least.

Podcast suggestion for today: Answer Me This! Where the hosts answer all your questions with a delightful accent.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

IT Crowd and more

So I am now all caught up with the three newest episode of the ever funny and geeky The IT Crowd. I am so glad this show came back for a fourth season.
Half the fun is scouring the walls and the T-shirts to see what they have come from. So if you like British comedies and you are a bit of a geek then check out that show.

I have also decided to share a bit of what I am listening to/watching in iTunes -
Today's Suggestion - The Adam Carolla Show

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Series: Paranormal Cops

So I just finished watching all the available episodes of Paranormal Cops from A&E, and I have to say I am enjoying it. It is a shame that it seems this is the only season and it is only six episodes long.
It takes the ghost hunting to a level does not make it seem like they are exploiting the situation.
If you like the ghost hunter genre and you are looking for something new to watch and have a few hours give this one a chance.

First Post

So basically here is what is going on. I am far from a girly girl but my daughter and my best friend are. Give me a pair of jeans a tshirt and a pair of Chucks and I am good to go.
You will find here a little about day to day single motherhood highs and lows, reviews of whatever I am into at the time, and occasionally just some random insanity.

Hope you enjoy!
Feedback is always appreciated.